Signed, Sealed and Delivered

All my safes are restored to be functional and most importantly, to be a design statement. Each safe chosen is designed from scratch. I start to think of ideas when i first see the safe, then only after its come back from blasting do i start to develop the design. I look at each piece and get a feel for its age and shape, then create designs which i think compliment the safe and show off its best attributes. This process starts with a detailed measurement of the safe. This information is put into my computer design program and then I develop the colour scheme, the theme and the final look. Great care is taken to create a design which works with or around obstacles, like the hinges. Some design processes have taken weeks, i develop an idea and then keep coming back to it because it just doesn't feel or look right, changing colours, pin lines or even the entire design. Once i have the design ready, ill start the restoration process which depending on the donor safe can take weeks to be at a stage where any lettering or pin-striping can be applied. 



The sign-writing process can be simple, or it can quickly become complicated and challenging when adding gold or silver leaf work. When the design has been completed and all has been checked, each safe is individually signed/marked on the back of the drawer or under a shelf. I ensure to record and keep track of each safe i design. So, if you purchase a safe from Safe Places you know its 100% unique, there won’t be another one, its personally signed and no other safe is made the same.